The Corner


Another e-mail:

I know the National Review hates Huckabee and this is probably not a serious enough topic to be covered by your great organization, but the potential for some fun in this very serious political climate could be irresistible.  A feud has been developing between these two late night comedians over the last three days.  I almost broke a rib laughing over Conan and Colbert exchanging words over who was responsible for Huckabee winning Iowa and who “made” Huckabee. This feud has the potential to tear this country apart.  Isn’t Huckabee supposed to be the candidate who brings people together and encourages vertical politics instead of horizontal (left, right) politics?  This feud could bring an end to that part of his campaign platform. BYW:  Colbert wins the feud – in my opinion.

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