The Corner

“Shadegg Nears An Entrance”

From Hotline:

Republicans close to Rep. John Shadegg strongly hint that he will announce his candidacy for majority leader this afternoon or tomorrow. His spokesman says his boss is still making calls and hasn’t made up his mind.

Shadegg, meanwhile, has become Pence II — the “outsider” candidate favored by folks at RedState.

“John Shadegg, from Arizona, is a former leader of the conservative Republican Study Committee. John Shadegg is committed to advancing Republican goals. He is also committed to the conservative ideals of smaller government, less red tape, less government imposed burdens, and great individual liberty. Republicans need a conservative team player in leadership and Shadegg fits the profile.”

Btw: Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH) has endorsed Rep. Boehner’s campaign.

ME: Tracks with what we’ve been hearing for a while now.

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