The Corner

Senator Brown on the Line

Boston radio presence Michael Graham shares a morning surprise:

You wanna know why deep-blue Massachusetts elected Republican Scott Brown to fill Kennedy’s term in the US Senate?  You heard it on my show today.

I’m in the middle of some rant or another, and my producer tells me that Scott Brown is on the line. I didn’t have a scheduled interview, but I’m always happy to have him on.

So I put him on the air and I quickly realize that he wasn’t expecting to be interviewed.  So what was he doing on my phone?

It turns out that Sen-elect Brown had taken time out of his insanely busy schedule to call my producer about a fundraiser for the Fisher House Boston that he and his daughter participated in a few weeks ago.  One of the donors who was supposed to get one of Ayla’s CDs as a thank-you gift for donating to Fisher House hadn’t gotten his.  So Sen.-Elect Brown called in to follow up on that one CD.

One CD for some guy Scott Brown will probably never meet.

That’s Scott Brown.  He also joked around about SNL and how he’s not sure what to do when he finally does meet Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Boxer (“Should I wink?  Should I dance?”).  He assured listeners that he expects to be sworn in at 12:45pm on February 11th, but is on the lookout for any “chicanery.”

In other words, he’s the same guy that spend months driving his pick-up across the Commonwealth.  That’s the political power behind Scott Brown.

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