The Corner

Senate Dem Under Fire for Skipping ISIS Hearing

Republican Senate nominee Thom Tillis is out with a new ad faulting Senator Kay Hagan (D., N.C.) for skipping a congressional hearing about the Islamic State.

“While ISIS grew, Obama kept waiting, and Kay Hagan kept quiet,” the ad narrator says. “The price for their waiting is danger.”

The Washington Free Beacon reported that “records indicate that Sen. Kay Hagan (D., N.C.) did not attend a classified hearing that focused on the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) due to a fundraiser that was held for her in New York City.”’

During the unclassified February 11 hearing, a top intelligence official predicted to senators that the group  “probably will attempt to take territory in Iraq and Syria to exhibit its strength in 2014,” as the Daily Beast noted.

Tillis, in a statement accompanying the ad release, said that “We need a U.S. senator who will do their job and attend important briefings to get updates from our generals on national-security threats.” 

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