The Corner

Sen. Flip Flop Denies Reality

Dan Rather gathers a smidgen of toughness for his John Kerry interview, and check out how Kerry categorically denies ever flip-flopping, not once!

Rather: “But at the core of a attack against you is that you are, quote, ‘Senator Flip Flop.’ Does or does not the record indicate that you have indeed been on several sides of most issues, or at least a lot of issues, over the years?”

Kerry: “Not a one. Ask me.”

Rather: “Voted for the war but didn’t vote for the money–”

Kerry: “That’s not a flip flop….I voted to hold Saddam Hussein accountable in order to make sure he disarmed, and I voted to do it with the stipulations of the President who said he would build an international coalition, go to war as a last resort after exhausting the remedies of the UN. He did none of the above…”

Rather: “You don’t think it’s a flip flop?”

Kerry: “It is not in the least. I think we have to be in Iraq. What have I flipped on? I just think we ought to do it right.”

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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