The Corner

Sebelius: ‘I Don’t Know’ How Many Obamacare Enrollees Have Paid

Today Kathleen Sebelius told the House Ways and Means Committee that HHS does not know how many people who are enrolled in Obamacare have paid their premiums.

When Representative Tom Price asked Sebelius asked how many of the 4.2 million people enrolled have actually paid for their plans, she responded, “I can’t tell you that because I don’t know that.”

Sebelius said HHS doesn’t know because “consumers don’t pay us” — they pay private insurance companies, and HHS receives aggregate data about which are customers eligible for a tax credit.

She also didn’t know how many of the enrollees had previously been uninsured, and how many members of Congress had enrolled.

“It begs credulity, Madam Secretary, that you don’t know the answers to these questions,” Price said. “The American people trust that you know what you’re doing and you’re not filling the bill.”

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