The Corner

Saturday’s the Application Deadline for the Buckley Journalism Fellowship

Bill Buckley nurtured two generations of conservative journalists, and his enormous legacy includes countless editors, reporters, authors, and writers. In that spirit, our good friends at the National Review Institute are sponsoring a wonderful program, The William F. Buckley Jr. Fellowship in Political Journalism, that provides a recent college graduate with the unique opportunity to work as writer/reporter with National Review, under the training and supervision of NR’s editors, for a one-year term with a generous salary, starting this summer.

The deadline for submitting applications is Saturday, February 1. Interested applicants should get the lead out and submit a cover letter, current résumé, recommendation from a former employer or professor, current transcript (unofficial acceptable), and a writing sample. The cover letter should explain the applicant’s education, work, other activities, and future goals as they relate to a fellowship at National Review. In other words — why you and why National Review? E-mail all materials to, and make sure the subject line is “WFB Journalism Fellows program.”

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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