The Corner

Death, Taxes, Sarah, and Donald

I was actually surprised to hear that Sarah Palin had endorsed Donald Trump, though I’m not sure why. I guess I sort of assumed she had retired; she hasn’t made the news much lately, though not for lack of trying. But truly astute political journalists could see it coming a mile away. On Tuesday afternoon, National Review’s prolific and eloquent Charlie Cooke posted “Of Course Sarah Palin Is Endorsing Donald Trump.” Almost simultaneously, Paige Lavender of the Huffington Post wrote “Of Course Sarah Palin Endorsed Donald Trump” and Ed Kilgore of New York magazine chimed in with “The Inevitability of Palin’s Endorsement of Trump.” I should follow these things more closely so I won’t be blindsided again — though I’m not the only one who was surprised when the news first came out . . . 

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