The Corner

San Bernardino Shooter Took Multiple Pictures of a Local High School

It sounds like the terrorist attack in San Bernardino could have been much worse:

San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook reportedly had multiple photos of a local high school on his cellphone, and amid authorities’ suggestions that the killer and his Jihadi bride possibly planned additional carnage, school officials feel they may have dodged a bullet.

And the indication is that she came into the country as an aspiring terrorist:

Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, were radicalized at least two years ago and had discussed jihad and martyrdom as early as 2013, one year before they married, FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday.

The much-touted counter-terrorism screening by the Department of Homeland Security appears to have completely failed in this case. 

We’ve seen one legislative effort to change how people enter this country from Congress…

Under the legislation, citizens from countries that qualify for the program would be denied visa-free entry to the U.S. if they have visited Iraq, Syria or other countries deemed to be terror hotspots in the last five years, or if they are citizens of those countries. Those individuals would instead have to pass through a more stringent security process.

The measure would further direct the Department of Homeland Security to remove a country from the visa waiver program if it doesn’t share counterterrorism data with the U.S. It would also require eligible countries to screen travelers against INTERPOL databases for links to criminal activity.

President Obama announced Sunday night he had ordered DHS to “review” the program.

The Trump no-Muslims-allowed plan has considerable faults, but if the public feels that their leaders are continuing to put blind faith into a system that failed, they’ll pick a radical change over the status quo.

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