The Corner

Ryan: ‘I Remain Grateful to Romney’

Earlier today, Representative Paul Ryan met with Mitt Romney, his former partner on the GOP ticket, at a hotel in Washington, D.C. Their conversation was “constructive and positive,” according to a Ryan aide. They shared “updates” about their families and casually reflected on the campaign. They also discussed the fiscal cliff. After the meeting, Ryan issued the following statement: 

“I remain grateful to Governor Romney for the honor of joining his ticket this fall, and I cherish our friendship. I’m proud of the principles and ideas we advanced during the campaign and the commitment we share to expanding opportunity and promoting economic security for American families.”

UPDATE: The pair had breakfast at the J. W. Marriott hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, not far from the White House. Romney reached out to Ryan after he confirmed his lunch with the president.

It was their first in-person meeting since the election. They had a lengthy phone call on November 12, and since then, they’ve connected via e-mail and brief calls. Their discussion today was reportedly more about congressional politics than the campaign.

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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