The Corner


Rep. Bobby Rush (D., Ill.) took a few minutes to chat with National Review Online this evening, outside of the House chamber. He says he’s going to vote “yes” on the health-care bill, even though he’s been (mostly) undecided since a discount prescription-drug program he supports was gutted from the legislation. He’s also “sure that the Speaker has the votes.”

Regardless of his firm “yes,” Rush wasn’t all smiles. Rush says he paused for a moment earlier today when he heard that Rep. Bart Stupak (D., Mich.) was able to convince President Obama to issue an executive order on abortion. Rush, who beat Obama in a House race a decade ago, raised his eyebrows when asked about why he didn’t push for his own Executive Order. “I’ve been thinking about that,” he says. “The president and Speaker Pelosi have assured me that they will take up my issue soon after tonight.” So Democratic health-care legislation will keep coming? “That’s right,” he says. “It will.”

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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