The Corner

Rush Limbaugh

on judges:

it seems necessary to warn Republican senators: This issue is extremely important to the grassroots out there. This is something that matters to the base, and they voted on this, and they’ll vote on it again in the future however it turns out, and what we’re all concerned about here is the power the judiciary exercises in this country today — and we’re concerned that not enough is being done about it by elected branches. And if a Republican majority in the Senate can’t even — or worse, even, won’t — step to the plate to reinstitute what was the status quo for 214 years and push back the Chuck Schumers and Ted Kennedys and the Joe Bidens, then what principles do they stand for? This isn’t about the Senate “getting along.” That was thrown to the wind when the Democrats started filibustering and undermining 214 years of history. This is about defending the Constitution.

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