The Corner

Run On This!

Arianna the Red, yesterday: “Vowing to end corporate tax breaks, independent gubernatorial candidate Arianna Huffington said Wednesday that taxes on business properties should be increased and other business-friendly tax loopholes closed to help stem the red ink in California’s budget.”

Arianna the Red, today: “TV commentator and author Arianna Huffington, who launched her campaign for governor with criticism of “fat cats” who fail to shoulder a fair share of taxes, paid no individual state income tax and just $771 in federal taxes during the last two years, her tax returns show.”

Her defense is that she lost so much money as a writer and self-promoting media harpy that it overcame the income she earns as the ex-wife of a multimillionaire. Well, there’s an argument designed to inspire voter confidence in your fiscal policy.

“Hey, California, I know how to dodge these bills–let’s all start losing money!”

Michael GrahamMichael Graham was born in Los Angeles and raised in South Carolina. A graduate of Oral Roberts University, he worked as a stand-up comedian before beginning his political career as ...
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