The Corner

The Run

Food for thought on NFL playoffs day: “Teams don’t win because they run. They run because they win.”

Predictions: My head says to go with the home teams on a cold day, but I think we’ll see at least one upset this afternoon. It wouldn’t shock me if we had two. The Red Sox broke a curse three months ago, and so the Eagles will break theirs. The Falcons may run well against Philly, but they’re a dome team and it’s going to be frigid. As fo the Patriots, I can’t help but pump my fist and say “Go Blue!” whenever Tom Brady drops back for a pass. Besides, the Steelers practically needed divine intervention to advance last week. So there you have it, for the sake of argument: Eagles-Pats in the Superbowl.

John J. Miller, the national correspondent for National Review and host of its Great Books podcast, is the director of the Dow Journalism Program at Hillsdale College. He is the author of A Gift of Freedom: How the John M. Olin Foundation Changed America.
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