The Corner


There’s a new poll out from Clemson University about the standing of presidential candidates in South Carolina.  The pollsters asked whether people had heard of the candidate and, if so, whether they had a favorable or unfavorable opinion of him.  The candidate with the best combination of name recognition and favorable opinion: Rudy Giuliani. The candidate with highest name recognition and solidly high favorable opinion: John McCain. The candidate with the combination of high name recognition and relatively low favorable opinion: Newt Gingrich. Here’s what the survey found:

Candidate                        Heard of        Favorable        Unfavorable

John McCain                      96%                65%                   23%

Newt Gingrich                     95%                53%                   31%

Rudy Giuliani                      93%                78%                   10%

George Pataki                     69%                35%                   18%

Bill Frist                              66%                43%                   21%

Mitt Romney                       40%                 41%                   11%

George Allen                       37%                 38%                   11%

Mike Huckabee                   16%                   –                       –

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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