The Corner

Rubio: Obama Gave a ‘Despicable Speech’ After San Bernardino

This morning, at an American Legion in Hooksett, New Hampshire, Marco Rubio gave what his campaign called an “address on national security in the 21st Century.” (When your guy talks to an audience, it’s giving an address; when the other guy does the same thing, it’s just giving a speech.)

It looks like Rubio wants to show there’s more to him than inspiring tales of his immigrant parents; he wants to show he can go on the attack against Hillary Clinton and President Obama. Rubio’s rhetoric may not be quite as in-your-face as Trump’s, but it’s definitely getting harsher:

America is in far greater danger today than it was eight years ago. Our president thought he could make America like Luxembourg or Switzerland. But he can’t. We are the United States of America – the highest-profile, most important, most powerful country in the world. And while we may ignore problems that exist far away, those problems do not ignore us. 

In the 21st century, there is no such thing as a remote problem. What happens in Beijing or Moscow or Tehran is our business. Our economy and our lives are directly impacted by global events. Foreign policy is now an important part of domestic policy. Yet President Obama willfully ignores this. Instead of shaping world events, he is shaped by them. Instead of a foreign policy based on strategy, his is based on politics.

We saw this clearly with his despicable speech after the terrorist attack in San Bernardino. When America needed a bold plan of action from our Commander-in-Chief, we instead got a lecture on love, tolerance, and gun control designed to please the talking heads at MSNBC.

The result of all of this is that people are afraid. And they have every right to be. To make matters worse, candidates for president in both parties cling to the same plan of weakness and retreat. 

On one side of this race we have, of all people, Obama’s former Secretary of State. The very person who stood by while the conflict in Syria became the worst humanitarian crisis in a generation, who pushed the “reset” button with Russia even as Putin assaulted the sovereignty of his neighbors, and who resorted to half-measures in Libya instead of doing what it would take to prevent terrorists from taking hold – terrorists who ultimately took the lives of four Americans in Benghazi.

Not only is Hillary Clinton incompetent, she’s also a liar. While she was leading the public and the families of the fallen to believe the attack in Benghazi happened because of a YouTube video, we now know she was admitting in private emails that it was the result of terrorism. She lied to our faces. No one in the mainstream media has the courage to call her out for it. If I am our nominee, voters will be reminded of it time and time again.


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