The Corner


Rothman: A Corrupt Press Is Trying to Cover for an Aging Biden

President Joe Biden reacts to reporters as he departs the White House in Washington, D.C., March 3, 2023. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
The media are trying to deny what everyone sees.

Noah Rothman addressed Joe Biden’s press conference in Vietnam on the latest edition of The Editors podcast.

He singled out the coverage by New York Times reporter Michael Shear, “whose dispatch on Joe Biden’s performance in Vietnam must be read to be believed. It is a pristine example of the kind of outright corruption, and it is corruption, that the press is engaged in order to frame what we all see with our own two eyes.”

“It literally says,” he continued, “that conservative media outlets seized, which has become a cliche to demonstrate that Republicans notice something bad that reflects poorly on Democrats.”

Rothman noted that Shear wrote that it’s “‘a pattern that infuriates the White House where Mr. Biden’s top aides believe that the stories about the president’s age and health are stoked by his enemies.’” Only after that did Shear get to the substance of what occurred, before conceding, “‘the performance at the news conference in Vietnam would not have ranked among the best.’”

“There’s a phenomenon at work among mainstream-media outlets and mainstream-media reporters,” Rothman concluded, “where they think they have to paper this over in order to advance a political objective. That is corrupt, and it’s evident they’re not even making any effort to conceal it from their readers.”

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