The Corner


Ron DeSantis Needs to Do Some Challenging Interviews

One of the advantages to Trump of getting indicted all the time is that it ensures the attention is always on him, and attention is basically the coin of the realm in our politics.

This presents another challenge to Ron DeSantis, who soaked up a lot of attention in the first half of this year but now feels like he’s disappearing a bit. One way to address that would be to do some challenging interviews.

Megyn Kelly has been more or less daring him to go on her show — go do it for two hours and take all the hard questions; it will be something of an event.

Go on one of the Sunday shows the way Vivek Ramaswamy did and give better than you get; the clips will spread and drive the conversation for a couple days.

On top of this, it will show self-confidence and the ability to take his message and defend it anywhere.

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