The Corner

Romney in Iowa

I think Romney should be using his negative ads very gingerly in Iowa, since there is a Fred-up-the-middle scenario. But since the key to Iowa politics apparently is saying anodyne things that have a (plausibly deniable) subtext that cuts against your opponent, I think he should be saying three things over and over: “I’m the mainstream conservative who can win” (plausible deniability: no, I’m not saying Huckabee is outside of the mainstream or that he can’t win a general election–that’s for him to address); “I want to be a president for all Americans” (plausible deniability: Of course I’m not saying that Huckabee is running a campaign based on an appeal to only one segment of the electorate–that’s something you have to ask him about); “I want this campaign to be about substance and issues” (plausible deniability: No, I’m not accusing my opponent of running a personality-based campaign that is light on substance and insulting to all Iowans who take this process so very, very seriously–I’m too busy with substance to concern myself with Mike Huckabee’s campaign). Finally, he should probably end his campaign in Iowa with an ad with him looking straight at the camera and telling Iowans what he wants to do as president–no stereotypical voiceovers, no cheesy jogging footage, just Romney describing his agenda.

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