The Corner


Robin DiAngelo Exposed

Robin DiAngelo is the author of White Fragility, a book purporting to show that white people (but of course not her) can’t confront their innate racism and therefore hide from confronting it. Fortunately, bold visionaries like DiAngelo can see the truth and lead us out of our terrible ways if only we will listen — and buy her book.

The book is utter bunk, but it has made her rich and famous.

It turns out, however, that DiAngelo is a plagiarist. In this superb American Spectator article, Peter Wood takes DiAngelo down.

From part of Wood’s conclusion: “It is not that plagiarism itself is seen as an unforgivable sin. It is exactly that in academic circles, but the general public is largely indifferent to the matter.”

Wood is somewhat optimistic that Robin DiAngelo’s big days are behind her. I hope so. But it’s also possible that someone else will just copy her method and become the Next Big Thing in the racial-grievance circus.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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