The Corner

Riding in Style

Earlier today, I mentioned a cheeky bumper sticker: “Bail Out Studebaker!” A sharp reader from the Bay Area sent me the following:

Dear Jay,

I actually believe that the Obama/Pelosi/Schumer (might as well include the name of the Senate Democratic leader in the 112th Congress) troika will soon be launching the Studebaker bail-out. Don’t forget that Studebaker sold electric motor vehicles before they transitioned to internal combustion engines in 1911. And I’m sure Obama/Pelosi/Schumer will also strongly approve of the marketing minds that gave us the Studebaker Dictator. In the name of stimulus and green technology and so on, I fully expect to see the president replacing his Cadillac limousine with an all-electric 2014 Studebaker Dictator.

Kind of harsh, but amusing (I hope you agree). And this just in — from a reader in Tucson:


Shouldn’t we send $15 billion or so to bail out Stutz, Dusenberg (the loveliest car ever built), Avanti (designed by the guy who invented the Coke bottle, the curvy one), DeSoto (simply awful), and that first “green” car, the one whose only emission was water vapor, the Stanley? Think of all the jobs!

Fun. All of a sudden I feel like I’m hosting Car Talk. And I like it, a lot. (Hail that Dusenberg loveliness.)

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