The Corner

Rich Lowry, Talent Fosterer

From the Telegraph’s latest and always amusing top conservatives list:

38. Rich Lowry   (53)

After 13 years editing William Buckley’s magazine, and still only aged 41 – his speaker profile describes him as “the edgy voice of fresh-faced conservatism” – perhaps the question for Lowry is where next. More television perhaps – he has guest-hosted on Hannity and Colmes and Fox & Friends and is a regular panelist and pundit. Under his editorship National Review online has become the best presented and liveliest Right-wing publication website, and was hitting Obama hard from the opening bell of his presidency. Has fostered such talents as Jonah Goldberg , Ramesh Ponnuru, Andy McCarthy and Kate O’Beirne while NRO’s “the Corner” is a must-stop for conservatives on the web. Once worked as a research assistant for Charles Krauthammer.

After Sarah Palin’s 2008 debate with Joe Biden he blogged: “I’m sure I’m not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, ‘Hey, I think she just winked at me.’ And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerising. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America.” He was much mocked for that, with MSNBC’S liberal presenter Keith Olbermann’s responded by naming Lowry Worst Person in the World – which was taken as a compliment at NR. Has written well-received books about Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan as well as a recent spy novel Banquo’s Ghost.

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