The Corner

Does Rex Tillerson Know What He’s In For?

This Steve Coll piece on Rex Tillerson describes what a complex global player Exxon-Mobil is (and made me realize I was too slighting when discussing Tillerson’s experience). Tillerson was a kind of corporate head of state. But with Tillerson marked out as a vulnerable nominee if Trump actually selects him and Democrats inflamed on Russia and convinced that he’s an enemy of Planet Earth, congressional Democrats will want to closely examine every Exxon-Mobil deal anywhere in the world and rifle through every Exxon-Mobil document they can’t get their hands on. It’s hard to believe that they won’t find material that is at least easily exploitable in a political context and if Tillerson doesn’t comply with document requests and the like, he will be attacked for stonewalling and hiding something. Even if he’s confirmed, it will likely be a painful process for him and Exxon-Mobil.

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