The Corner

Return of The Derb

OK, back at keyboard after family ski trip. Just did email. 00s from

readers about:

(a) My “Diversitoids” piece. Lots of cris des coeurs from poor devils

trapped in academia, public employment, or big corporations (who are just as

bad). They have to go through this stuff and pretend to take it seriously,

or lose their jobs. Heart-breaking.

(b) Radio Derb. Sorry, I called Lebanon “Libya” at one point. Lebanon is

cedars. Libya is the place that used to have a king with the same name as a

Welsh god. Shall strive to keep them apart in future. Also, a lot of

people, while enjoying the commentary, disliked the inter-segment bleep. I

sympathize. I fished around in my spiffy new computer for suitable sound

clips, but nothing was really satisfactory & I lost patience. I’ll try to

find a better one.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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