The Corner

Responding to Sullivan

I, of course, gave Andrew an opportunity to plug his book. You’re welcome. It’s got to be hard to do that while searching for Sarah Palin’s pregnancy secrets and deepest sinister wishes.

Anyone who reads NRO regularly and honestly knows I don’t equate conservatism with the Republican party. Breaking news: I don’t know much of anyone who does — Remember Rush blasting McCain during the primaries? Palin’s line about socialism earlier today would have worked a heckuva lot better doggonit if we didn’t just have that Republican-led big-government moment. The Republican party hasn’t been a conservative experiment lately, but good luck squeezing one out of a Obama-Pelosi-Reid Washington. It will be on the backbenches, in the wilderness, as they say. While the Freedom of Choice Act and apparently some international crisis for which we’ll hate Obama-Biden, and an Obama SCOTUS justice or two are ushered in.

UPDATE: While I’m not going to recommend Andrew’s book, I will recommend Jonah’s review.

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