The Corner

Republican Party’s Favorability Sinks to Record Low

The Republican party has seen its favorability sink to 28 percent in this month’s Gallup poll, the lowest favorability rating measured for either party since the organization began polling on their approval in 1992.

The poll, conducted October 3 through October 6, finds that the GOP has dropped ten points in favorability from September. In addition, it’s viewed unfavorably by 62 percent of Americans. Independents also view the Democrats more favorably, 32 to 27 percent. However, self-identified Republicans are more than twice as likely to see their own party unfavorably (27 percent) than Democrats (13 percent).

Gallup says the results “may be consistent with the widely circulated narrative that the Republican Party is internally splintered on how best to handle the budgetary negotiations.”

Democrats have not been unscathed by the shutdown fight, either. Forty-nine percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of them and their favorability is down by four percentage points since last month. 

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