The Corner

Reid Invokes Bin Laden Shooter to Slam GOP

On Thursday, Senate majority leader Harry Reid invoked the Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden to criticize Republicans for filibustering Chuck Hagel’s nomination for secretary of defense.

Speaking from the Senate floor, Reid said he met with the former SEAL Team Six member in his office earlier this week, and discussed the man’s career in the military. Reid went on to suggest that the GOP’s “outlandish” effort to block Hagel’s nomination was somehow an affront to bin Laden’s killer.

“I met the night before last with the man that killed Osama bin Laden in my office, talking about his 16-year career as a SEAL, the places he went around the world protecting the interests of the United States,” Reid said. “To think that we have now in the Senate a situation where we’re going to wind up without a secretary of defense at this time . . .”

Reid’s claim – that if Hagel’s nomination is blocked, the country will be without a secretary of defense – is false. Outgoing defense secretary Leon Panetta has said he would remain on duty until his successor is sworn in.

Andrew StilesAndrew Stiles is a political reporter for National Review Online. He previously worked at the Washington Free Beacon, and was an intern at The Hill newspaper. Stiles is a 2009 ...
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