The Corner

National Review

Reflections on a Dream Realized at National Review

National Review (Photo: Luther Ray Abel)

Today, I conclude my year-long fellowship at National Review. After reflecting on my experiences and the wisdom I’ve gained, I’m grateful that my editors have allowed me to share my journey today.

When I was growing up, National Review was a staple on my family’s coffee table. From a young age, I had always felt a pull to the pages filled with powerful prose and poignant perspectives. To think that the young boy who used to pick up those issues would one day be writing for the same publication has been a dream come true.

Working with some of my longtime favorite writers like Noah Rothman, Charlie Cooke, Rich Lowry, and Ramesh Ponnuru has been surreal. Their insights, often laced with wit, helped refine my thinking on the issues of the day. The mentorship I experienced was another pillar of my growth during the fellowship. The advice I received from mentors like Andy McCarthy and Dan McLaughlin was invaluable. I also must thank my editors, Phil Klein and Judson Berger, for always helping me strive to produce my best work.

And it wasn’t just the reporting and the punditry that made my year so special. The camaraderie I found in fellow writers like Jack Butler, Luther Abel, Ari Blaff, Haley Strack, and Dominic Pino made my journey all the more worthwhile. Their companionship, insights, and innumerable moments of laughter and deep discussions are treasures I’ll cherish for a lifetime.

As I transition back into being a full-time student, my heart is full of gratitude for my time here. The lessons I’ve learned here are not just about writing or journalism but about life, responsibility, and the values that form the foundation of conservatism.

Thank you, National Review, for being more than just a platform for my voice. You’ve been a mentor, a guiding light, and above all, the realization of a dream I once thought was too distant. I know that my time at NR will continue to enrich my academic and professional pursuits for years to come.

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