The Corner

Redesign Agonistes

I’m getting a lot of feedback about the still-debugging redesign. Much of it is constructive, postive and the like. And a lot of it is simply “I hate it!”

Now, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But if I could just offer a few pearls of wisdom from having witnessed this process umpteen times now. It is the natural reaction to hate redesigns. If we went by instant reaction from readers every time we had a redesign, we’d still have a site festooned with Monica Lewinsky heads (that’s what was on the site when I first signed on). This is especially true for conservatives who are skeptical of change. For many readers, NRO is a friendly port in the storm. Forcing loyal readers to learn the new layout and navigation elicits strong reactions — at first. But, the layout many of you grew to love was hugely unpopular at first too. Give it a couple days. You’ll grow to appreciate it and wel’ll continue to tweak it where necessary. There’s a lot of cool stuff built into this thing.

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