The Corner

Reconciliation Breeds Contempt

I think lots of folks are missing an essential point about Hamastan. The WaPo, for example, tells us that Hamas is binding up the wounds of their enemies:

Victorious Hamas gunmen (I thought they were supposed to be called “militants” ML) rounded up senior military leaders of the Fatah movement in the Gaza Strip early Friday, then announced a general amnesty in a sign the Islamic movement is seeking to reconcile with its secular rivals after five days of fierce fighting.

I remember when Qadaffi called up one of his enemies, Sadat I think, to warn him of an assassination plot. That gesture was not a peace offering, but the opposite. It said: “I hold you in such contempt that I even spare your life.”

In like manner, Hamas’ amnesty for Fatah leaders expresses contempt. It says “I hold the power of life and death over you, you miserable worm. For the moment I choose to spare you, but I can reverse that decision if you misbehave, son of a monkey…”

It is NOT reconciliation. It’s slavery, precisely what we can expect if we lose this war. (Provided we convert, of course. Remember those Fox News hostages who converted and were then released? Of course you do.)

Today’s news about a Hamas crowd sacking the “Arafat shrine” on the West Bank shows the depth of Hamas’s desire for reconciliation. Not.

Michael LedeenMichael Ledeen is an American historian, philosopher, foreign-policy analyst, and writer. He is a former consultant to the National Security Council, the Department of State, and the Department of Defense. ...
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