The Corner

Reader’s Running Mate Suggestions

Thanks to all of you who played “name the vice president” last week. You can read a rough tally of results, and some comments, here. There is a new generation of real conservatives, with excellent political skills, out there amassing records.Whatever happens in November, there will be a serious conservative alternative in the future — which is something to be pleased about. The real irony, is that, the way things are going for the Democrats, we may yet win.

As a longtime GOP D.C. insider e-mailed me this morning: “What our folks need to understand is this is heading to an easy win for us — with a pick up of the House to boot.  The Democrats are self-destructing.  If they go to convention even roughly tied, have a floor fight over Michigan and Florida and then Hillary steals the nomination with the super-delegates, it’ll be worse than 1968.  It will be their doom.”

It is not clear whether embracing this possibility makes one an optimist or a pessimist — but I like it.

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