The Corner

re: What Women Want

An e-mail from a wife and mother (in response to this): 

I was fooled into college campus  feminism, by what I’m still not sure.  After I had my first daughter,  the light dawned.  But by then I was married to a man who also bought  into the notion that women should work outside the home (still does,  unfortunately) and we were in a financial situation that required my  income.

It has taken me 8 years, but I’ve been able to wean from work to the  point that I work about 15 hours a week from home.  It’s still not  ideal, b/c I’m still running myself completely ragged.  And my husband  and I still disagree about my level of work which is a source of  constant tension.  But…..I can actually be a mother to my children.   And that’s all that matters.

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