The Corner

Re: Vian’s Choice

I appreciated the kind words about me by the editor-in-chief of L’Osservatore Romano in Delia Gallagher’s interview this morning. As readers of my original article in National Review know (the same article mentioned by Vian that was translated for the Italian newspaper Liberal), I did not accuse Vian or the paper of being in favor of abortion, but rather suggested that because of the distance and the difference between the two cultures, their long article on Obama at Notre Dame did very much encourage pro-choice Catholics, and did make life a bit more difficult for pro-life Catholics. I heard this from a number of U.S. prelates and pro-life leaders before publishing my article. Mr. Vian is a kind man, a gentleman, and extremely loyal to the Church. It is true that I have volunteered to write for L’Osservatore Romano, and I still would be happy to do so at any time. In general, the paper has much improved under his leadership, and many of us are very grateful to him.  

Michael Novak was a Catholic philosopher, journalist, novelist, and diplomat.
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