The Corner

Re: Tyranny of Diversity

From a reader:


I am disappointed that I won’t be able to attend your talk at Princeton tomorrow night (I am not a student, I just live in the town) because I will be working a temp job in New York. I am especially disappointed because I have my own Tyranny of Diversity experience

I always thought that the Tyranny of Diversity ended after college and graduate school, when I no longer had to worry about my white maleness in the application process. No such luck. Twice in the past two months I have disappointed corporate recruiters who thought that they were getting an Hispanic. I am fluent in Portuguese, having worked in Brazil, and list this as a skill on my resume. Both recruiters actually asked me if I was Hispanic during telephone interviews, and both interviews ended abruptly when they realized that I was not.

It is really depressing. I guess I have some legal recourse, but I don’t want to be a professional malcontent. I just want to work.

Anyway, break a leg tomorrow.

Best regards,

[name withheld]

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