The Corner


Re: The Assimilation Crisis Gets Lost in Post-Debate Pet Furor

It was good to see Howard Husock’s post on Friday discussing immigrant assimilation — a much neglected topic, in large part because the Left views this goal as jingoist if not plain racist.  But it is essential in our multiethnic nation of immigrants.  I proposed a top-ten list almost exactly 24 years ago in this NRO article:  Don’t disparage anyone else’s race or ethnicity; respect women; learn to speak English; be polite; don’t break the law; don’t have children out of wedlock; don’t demand anything because of your race, ethnicity, or sex; don’t view working and studying hard as “acting white”; don’t hold historical grudges; and be proud of being an American. And for anyone interested I went into more detail in this congressional testimony.

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