The Corner

Re: Sorry, Charlie

And Charlie Hurt adds this to the story:

WASHINGTON — Charlie Rangel’s “forgetfulness” is apparently contagious.

Two of his top aides are among about a dozen highly paid staffers on the powerful tax-writing Ways and Means Committee who have filed a flurry of amendments correcting their financial-disclosure statements since 2002.

Jim Capel, chief of staff for Rangel’s personal office, failed to file any such statements for six years.

On the afternoon of July 14, Capel filed five years’ worth of delinquent reports.

Capel told The Post yesterday it was a simple oversight.

“I am sorry for not making these filings in the timely manner as required,” he said. “My failure was not done for no other reason than I just forgot to do so.”

Another serial mis-filer working for Rangel is George Dalley, who is legal counsel in Rangel’s personal office. Dalley has amended his statements four times since 2002.

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