The Corner

Re: Smoke Signals

The Los Angeles Times reports:

President Obama, whose healthcare and economic stimulus initiatives threaten to dramatically inflate the federal budget deficit, heralded a new push Saturday to cut wasteful spending in Washington.

The president said that in coming weeks he would announce the elimination of “dozens of government programs.” And he said he would ask his Cabinet secretaries on Monday for specific proposals to slash their departments’ budgets, promising there would be “no sacred cows and no pet projects.”

But I am thinking we shouldn’t count on it:

The president singled out a move by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to end consulting contracts to create seals and logos that he said had cost the department $3 million since 2003.

$3 million out of a $3.55 trillion budget. Is this a joke?

For details on Obama’s budget go here.

Veronique de Rugy is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
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