The Corner

Re: “Smear”

K-Lo, the Washington Post editorial is just silly today. My favorite line: “Mr. Kerry’s wound doesn’t seem to have amounted to much, but he didn’t claim it did…” No, Terry McAuliffe only ran around for weeks boasting about Kerry’s “chestful of medals” compared to President Bush. The Post ought to try and find an occasion where Kerry has modestly insisted on the campaign trail that his Purple Heart wounds weren’t very serious.

It’s also odd that the Post piece considered briefly the possibility that Jim Rassmann’s tale is wrong and there was no enemy fire as he was fished out of the Bay Hap river: “If accurate, this would demolish a central part of the picture of Mr. Kerry as Vietnam hero.” Now wait. They write “If accurate”? In a piece titled “Swift Boat Smears”? The Post piece just condemns the ad without really investigating the issues.

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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