The Corner

Re: Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other

About yesterday’s post on the stabbing of a French Jew, a reader from “cracker Appalachia” writes:

Some French Jew is stabbed during a carjacking, supposedly because his attackers noticed he was wearing ‘a Jewish symbol’, and the story makes the IHT.

I wonder why assaults in my neck of the woods never get international attention.  I guess violence in cracker Appalachia just isn’t sexy enough…or maybe there are too few Zuckermans and Sulzbergers around here to catch the eye of world media. 

Either way, f**k you, you baby-faced Canadian f*ggot.  And as for ‘America Alone’, forget it, pal.  A demographic catastrophe will play out in the United States as well as in Europe.  We will become Mexico; they will become Lebanon. 

Hope you enjoy the Third World!  Your kind made it possible, so no complaining.

So a Judeo-Canuck-homosexualist conspiracy has ushered in the global Latino-Islamist caliphate. Guess it’s everybody’s fault but yours. But boy, I wish I’d thought to pitch that movie.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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