The Corner

Re: See, Rich?

From the Iowa voter, who, just a few hours ago, remained undecided, still wondering whether to vote with his head (Romney) or his heart (Thompson):

I went with my heart.  Seeing the early results, I’m happy with my choice.

In the end, I concluded Fred was the most genuine Republican on the broadest conservative issues.  While I like Mitt, his seems more programmed than real and I don’t think that’s going sell in the long run.  NR’s endorsement had a lot of influence, but struck me as saying Romney’s the least worst, and only due to his executive experience.  I’d rather play to win than to not lose.

I also have faith that the good people of South Carolina will undo any Huckabee damage Iowa created.

Peter Robinson — Peter M. Robinson is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution.
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