The Corner

Re: Scott Thomas, Where Are You?

Via Instapundit, Mudville Gazette has a typically insightful take:

Some time ago I advised folks not to focus on whether Jamil Hussein was actually an Iraqi police officer and instead concentrate on the accuracy of his claims. I’ll now suggest avoiding the argument as to whether “Scott Thomas” is or isn’t a soldier. The exhumation of a graveyard has already been corroborated, that alone leads me to believe Thomas is indeed a soldier here. […]

 If “Scott Thomas” actually is a soldier, you’ll see an amazing example of Orwellian double-think. Any attempt by the Army to punish this d****e bag for the behavior he confesses to (or for fabricating incidents, if his claims prove false) will be described by leftists in and out of the media as persecution for “speaking out”. No one will commend the Army for cleaning it’s own house. This is because Thomas’ actions are seen by these same people as typical behavior of U.S. Soldiers – all of whom are as described in Thomas’ dispatches. Thus the Army will be “hypocritical” for punishing (make that “scapegoating”) one who will suddenly be described as a “whistleblower’.

Also, if you haven’t read Mac Owens’ take over on the homepage, you really should. Owens looks at the similarities between this incident and the media’s coverage of the accused Duke lacrosse players. In each case, the storyline fit a set of preconceived notions and was just too good to check.

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