The Corner

Re: Running Against the Media

From a reader:


GMA on ABC this morning did a piece from Ohio, with a panel of “actual

voters” – one Republican, and she’s “unsure”.  The set up was a litany

of issues, all supposed to be bad for the Republicans, including the

economy (?), and immigration (??).  And Iraq of course, and the

unhappiness with how “the President and the Republicans in Congress”

have run things.  I didn’t realize that the Republicans in Congress were

running our Iraq efforts.  Not a single mention by Jake Tapper or any

Democratic plan, policy goal or specific campaign plank – except that

they would be able to get us “out of the quagmire”.  Foley did get

mentioned, surprise, surprise, as did Hurricane Katrina.  It was all

unhappiness and disaffection with the Republicans.  Just the MSM doing

it’s part to set expectations for election day, and dampen Republican

turnout.  I wonder, however, if this could all backfire, and some

Democrats may stay home thinking the election is in the bag.  Wishful

thinking, but a boy’s gotta have dreams.

Keep up the great work.

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