The Corner

Re: Re: Trollope

Rick: That would be “Framley Parsonage.” I know what you mean about

Trollope. It doesn’t do to read two or three of his books at a sitting.

You start to get the feeling that you could cut up his stuff and sell it by

the yard. (Which, in fact, is sort of how he wrote them.) Best to leave

long intervals between Trollopes. But tell me: How do you manage to read

on the beach? I cannot read–read a book, I mean, as opposed to a copy of

NEWSWEEK– (a) in a garden, (b) on a beach, or (c) in a plane. I have been

trying all three for years, but can’t master any of them. What’s the trick?

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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