The Corner


Re: President Harris Would Be a Transformational Left-Winger

Rich Lowry is of course right that Kamala Harris would be a scary-Left president. Let me add this: Two really big problems that the United States has — maybe the biggest two in terms of their generative effects — are (1) its elites becoming so hard Left and (2) its non-elites having such a high percentage of out-of-wedlock births.

Neither is a problem that the next president can directly solve. But it’s very hard to see how either problem would not get worse under President Harris. After all, as to the former, she is for starters an example of the problem. As to the latter, I doubt that the Left views it as really a problem at all — and rather than say so out loud would, in all events, be more likely to decry anyone who did as a religious fanatic of some sort.

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