The Corner

Re: Okay, Prove You Didn’t Say It!

The remarkable thing is: I’m not sure if some of those leading this shockingly disingenuous conversation particularly care if the quotes are true or not. For years, people have been attacking Rush Limbaugh. For paraphrases of things he’s said. For out-of-context quotes. And then there are the fabricated accusations pinned on him. People who don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh want him off the air. His popularity and influence inspires unhinged reactions on live TV (see Matthews or Olbermann or . . . other MSNBC examples). And so the truth may not matter to some of them, so long as he is silenced, in some way, where it can be controlled. If it’s not the Fairness Doctrine, it’s at least keeping him out of football. Because some among us do believe that Al Sharpton is somehow the moral arbiter of whatever he says he is. 

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