The Corner

Re: News Flash

Ramesh – That is hilarious. In the seventh (!) paragraph, he writes:

At this point, I should mention that I’m a progressive. I didn’t even know [The American Conservative] existed until a former colleague encouraged me to apply for an assistant editor position at the magazine last November, suggesting that it might be a good first step toward a career in journalism.

This wasn’t as ludicrous a suggestion as it might sound; TAC is like no other publication in the conservative universe. To provide a right-wing counterweight to the neoconservative voices dominating U.S. foreign policy after 9/11, the magazine was founded in 2002 by leading paleoconservative Pat Buchanan, former New York Post editorial page editor Scott McConnell, and the notorious Taki Theodoracopulos, a high-society columnist for London’s Spectator and heir to a large Greek shipping fortune….

I am planning to write similar testimonials in the future. From my forthcoming piece on my exit from Hamas:

At this point, I should mention that I’m a Jew. I didn’t even know Hamas existed until a former colleague encouraged me to join….This wasn’t as ludicrous as it might sound. Hamas has many high society supporters and it takes strong stands against gay marriage….

From my expose on what I learned as an intern at the Advocate:

By now, I should mention I’m not gay. I didn’t even know there was a magazine dedicated to gay stuff until a friend suggested I apply. When I discovered that the magazine routinely published stories celebrating the homosexual lifestyle I was concerned. And when Harvey Fierstein submitted an article on the joys of hitting on younger men, I ran into the managing editor’s office to get the story killed. He said it was “provocative.” I said it was “frickn’ gay!”

I’m still working on my piece on the New Black Panther Party, but man oh man am I learning some shocking stuff.

Clarification: For the record, I am not comparing in any serious way, TAC to Hamas or the Black Panthers. It’s just an analogy. And a joke.  

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