The Corner

Re: My Book

From a reader:

I consider myself fairly intelligent- BBA and JD. But when I read the Corner about the topics your requesting for your book, I get the feeling I will need to go back to school first and get a Masters in Liberal Arts, political science (a minor of mine) or perhaps European History in order to understand it fully. Not saying I am not going to buy it, that a definite, but just think its going to be one of those books with a billion footnoted references, all of which will be required reading before taking on the subject and ideals you intend to expound on. My limited knowledge of fascism is limited to my pol-sci professor calling me one for stating that I did not think the Vietnam war was immoral or un-winable and that our leaders only need to stop fighting a war in a PC fashion and carpet bomb the north with daisy-cutters until they surrender unconditionally ala Japan in WWII.

Me: Fear not. I just want to make sure I know what I’m talking about. Nothing in this book will go over anybody’s head and it won’t go too far in the weeds, except in the appendices where I might tackle some of the academic issues.

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