The Corner

Re: Mailbag

Oh come on. Ramesh, your reader’s and Digby’s outrage is just too self-serving. Over the years we’ve heard one sweeping generalization after another about Bush voters, red-staters, “Christianists” etc. Many of these wholesale denunciations of fellow-citizens even predate the current era of anti-Bush mania. There was the NPR commentator, Andrei Condrescu who hoped that believers in the Rapture would be swept away already. “The evaporation of four million [fellow American citizens] who believe in this [Christian] crap would leave this world a better place” There was Paul Begala’s idiotic rant about Red staters being bigots. Since anti-Bushism has reached full-flower, we’ve seen whole books dedicated to the proposition that Bush-voters are religious fanatics, fools and warmongers. I have no problem with criticisms of  “hate” politics — though the devil’s in the details and politics will always involve such stuff — but let’s not let even the hint that liberals have avoided hating their fellow citizens go unchallenged. 

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