The Corner

Re: Loving Trig

A fascinatingly complicated and completely honest e-mail:

You are right, Trig is an American blessing. He’s also a campaign prop, but I don’t care. I’m a mother of 5 and my youngest daughter — my special daughter is now 12. She’s the light of our lives and has been from day one. I am delighted that a national spotlight is now shining on the 90% abortion rate of these sweet little babies. The Palins did more for the pro-life movement than many millions in advertising could do.

Let me try to explain what it’s like to have a child like this. They are special beyond explanation. I don’t know why, but it’s real, and surely has something to do with God’s plan for them. There’s no use trying to figure it out, it is just to be enjoyed. My daughter Emme, is the star of the family and most loved above all. In fact, sometimes we feel just a little bit sorry for families that don’t have an Emme. The best moments of my life have been when I’ve secretly watched my other children help her, teach her, or just plain love her with all of their hearts. That’s why it was such fun watching Piper at the convention. That’s exactly what she was doing — loving the heck out of Trig — and we all witnessed a special, yet everyday moment of his life.

I’m sure it must seem as if the families of these children exagerate the claims of how wonderful they are – as some sort of proof that life with them is tolerable and justifies their birth, but nothing could be further from the truth. Sure, my heart regularly aches for Emme when I realize how much she wants to have a “normal” life like the other girls her age. The hardest part for my daughter is speech – it is so frustrating not to know what she wants to say, or what is really in her heart. She’s interested in things like High School Musical, dance, sports, babies, weddings, romance and all of the things little girls want for their future. She knows she’s different, and that just plain hurts.

But the joys somehow manage to outweigh the heartache – and by a long way. I don’t know what Emme’s future holds, but I know that God has a purpose for her life, and being her mom is the greatest blessing I could ever have.

Palin is right. These children and all children belong in the circle of protection. I’m not a supporter of Palin even though I’m conservative, and I don’t agree with her decision to accept the VP invitation when her baby needs her more than we do, but I am thrilled that the world gets to see a little more clearly that these children are valuable and have so much love to give. Thank you so much for your thoughts.

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