The Corner

Re: Kristol Clear

A few things. In 1992, discontent with the Elder Bush had a lot to do with the fact that the economy was in the dumps and taxes had been raised. In 2006, we have an economy that has grown wildly during the past three years and an administration that has cut taxes. The notorious “budget deal” in 1990 that helped kill off the Bush presidency was a deal to raise taxes in exchange for deficit reduction and a freeze in the size of government — and to say it displeased the Right would be to understate the case by a factor of a billion. This is one of the reasons I do not think conservative anger about Bush and GOP spending is purely about spending. After all, Bush was a big spender before 2004 — the Medicare deal was struck in 2003, after all — and he received a higher degree of support from his own party than any politician has ever received before him. It’s the war. It’s the war. It’s the war.

John Podhoretz, a New York Post columnist for 25 years, is the editor of Commentary.
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